Very official.

Very official.

The results of the 2015 Quality of Life Survey have just been released. The Chair of the University Senate’s Student Affairs Committee encourages students, in addition to reviewing the results, to take the Columbia Recreation Survey, which will affect Columbia Athletics and Dodge facilities.

Read the full email from Marc Heinrich below:

Dear fellow student,

We write to share the results of the 2015 Quality of Life Survey. The full report, which is attached, presents data on student satisfaction and our recommendations on a wide range of issues including campus accessibility and student space.

Additionally, we encourage you to take the Columbia Recreation Survey. The results will help inform changes to Athletics, including recommendations on how to ensure Dodge can better accommodate the needs of students. SAC has been closely involved in these efforts and we hope that the survey will help enhance the efforts to renovate Dodge. The link is below:

Lastly, SAC has been working on producing the Morningside Student Space Initiative, a report detailing student desires for the spaces vacated on the Morningside Campus as a result of the Manhattanville expansion, focusing on the upcoming free space in Uris. We’ve come up with a list of a few broad items to focus on, but would appreciate your feedback on our list here.

To learn more about our current projects, you can follow our Facebook Page. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or your school’s student senator, who can be found here.


Marc Heinrich
Chair, University Senate’s Student Affairs Committee