Despite the erratic progression of this year’s student council elections process, Bwog believes we have finally reached a time of peace. In this calm before tomorrow’s 10AM election storm, we would like to take the time to endorse both Jay Rappaport, CC ’18, and Josh Schenk, CC ’19, for the two open Columbia College University Senator positions. After many discussions with our staff and the candidates, we feel fully confident in our decision to support these two candidates in their political endeavors at Columbia, and look forward to the many improvements they can bring to the university in the upcoming year.

From our meetings with Jay Rappaport, we saw someone with the level of passion and spirit needed to be able to effect positive change through Columbia’s (often-times) uncompromising administrative body. Jay’s platform focuses on the themes of opportunity and access, two critical topics of discussion on this campus in the past year. From making our campus more accessible for students with disabilities, to improving the availability of mental health resources, Jay has both practical and necessary goals in mind that we hope to see him accomplish on the University Senate. Jay’s experience as a Senate Staffer and on the CCSC Communications Committee only further convince us of his ability to make good use of his knowledge of Columbia’s student government system.

In his brief eight months at Columbia, Josh Schenk has accomplished more than most of us have since we gave up in high school. Serving as the President of Columbia College’s Class of 2019, Josh oversaw multiple social and policy changes for the College. From planning and implementing both a formal and a winter informal dance, various study breaks, and a 2019 Instagram page, to securing air-conditioning in residence hall lounges and creating Columbia Peer Connect (a mentorship program between first-year students and sophomores), Josh has already illustrated his laudable ability to work with administrators and achieve goals for his fellow classmates. Bwog expects Josh will maintain the high level of momentum  gained in his first year at Columbia over the course of his University Senator term.

Regardless of which candidates you decide to vote for, we the Managing Board of Bwog hope you embrace your civic duty and vote in this year’s student council elections!


Mason Amelotte, Editor-in-Chief

Maddie Stearn, Managing Editor

Photos via Jay Rappaport for USenate and Josh Schenk for USenate