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Posts Tagged with "FEEL THE BERN"

In choosing a candidate for the upcoming election, look up natal charts and not policy. Senior Bwogger, Leo, has provided you with not only each candidate’s zodiac sign but their Myers Briggs’s Test Personality Type (MBTI), Hogwarts House as well as which Columbia Dorm they *likely* are. 

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The idea of a third party is not foreign to the American dream (at least to mine). I’d always thought of how nice another party would be in our country’s political system, especially given the circumstances of the 2016 Presidential Election. Steven Nemerovski is a political scientist who shares my fantasy, and in addition to […]

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The polls for CCSC and ESC officially opened today at 10 am. Be an active member in your college’s community and select who you think would best represent your class and school. Voting is online through LionLink, but do not sleep on this. Polls will only remain open until Wednesday, April 6th at 5:00PM. And remember, […]

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Despite the erratic progression of this year’s student council elections process, Bwog believes we have finally reached a time of peace. In this calm before tomorrow’s 10AM election storm, we would like to take the time to endorse both Jay Rappaport, CC ’18, and Josh Schenk, CC ’19, for the two open Columbia College University Senator positions. After many discussions with […]

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Pioneering architect Zaha Hadid died yesterday of a heart attack in Miami. She left unfinished a luxury apartment building near the High Line, and we also kind of wish she’d been able to re-design Lerner. (New York Times) New satellite imagery shows evidence that the Vikings reached the southern coast of Newfoundland. We only needed […]

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Still confused about who to support for the 2016 Election? Why not use some back-of-the-envelope statistics provided by Bwog, written by the all-seeing election guru Britt Fossum. B-of-the-E Assumptions (based on Facebook): There are 304 likes on the “Columbia Students For Hillary” Facebook page. Assume the 84 likes on “CU Ready for Hillary” Page overlap […]

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We all forgot that he was running, but former Governor of Texas Rick Perry has decided to end his campaign for presidency. In a speech where he announced his withdrawal, he said that there is a “tremendous field of candidates” running for the Republican nomination. Yeah, okay. (New York Times) Apparently state officials in Louisiana, in […]

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Up: Bernie Sanders continues to lead Hillary Clinton in the polls in NH. We truly are feeling the Bern (and it’s not from a VD) (Politico) Down: The infamous Kim Davis is requesting that the Kentucky Governor frees her from jail (CNN) Up: Abel used to be unknown when he dropped The Trilogy, so find out how […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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