srsly how often have we used this image

We still think this is what student council looks like

CCSC, ESC, and University Senator results are out. We’ll skip the fluff – here’s your new student council! Some big positions are listed here, and every position’s full election results are at the bottom of the post.

CCSC Executive Board:

President: Nicole Allicock (1U Party)
VP of Policy: Abby Porter (1U Party)
VP of Finance: Anuj Sharma (1U Party)
VP of Communications: Josh Sudman (1U Party)
VP of Campus Life: Nathan Rosin (1U Party)

ESC Executive Board:

President: Neha Jain (SEAS++)
VP of Policy: Sidney Perkins (SEAS 101)
VP of Finance: Aida Lu (SEAS++)
VP of Communications: Anthony Kim (SEAS++)
VP of Student Life: Piyushi Bishnoi (SEAS++)

CC University Senator:

Josh Schenk
Jay Rappaport

ESC University Senator:

Luis Rivera

Find the full results of all of the elections, including class councils, below.

Correction to PDF: “None” in the CCSC race for Alumni Affairs Representative received 570 votes. Nathan Rosin received 1241 votes, not 241.