Stop whining and start wining!!
In the need to spice up your nighttime (or daytime) escapades? One boozy Bwogger reviews the latest arrival at International. Disclaimer: This message was not sponsored by Maven and is simply the result of a very good night.
This new import at International is worth the scrutiny of your fake ID. To describe Maven’s crispy, bright concoction would not be to do it justice. This adult juice box is not your weak-ass Mike’s Hard; it’s somewhere between Four Loko and Moonshine in terms of strength. The high alcohol content (13.5%!!) is hidden beneath a delicious chardonnay with hints of lemon, pineapple, and lime. After two coolers, not only will you be refreshed but you will be ready to take on the world – the MoHi world, that is. Whether you’re looking for a night of rowdy pre-gaming or eating Dig Inn take-out while re-watching every show on your Netflix queue, this is the drink for you. It’s a favorite at classier occasions like formal dinners, as well, due to its nicer glass packaging. At $7, this is a bargain you do not want to pass up. However, get to International early on weekend nights–they are sure to sell out (like, we’ll be buying them all). Now sold in a Pinot Noir flavor for a more sultry, meatier night.
Nice floral arrangement via some wine mom’s website