Don't blame Rose for not making space: blame global warming.

Don’t blame Rose for not making space: blame the iceberg and global warming.

On Friday a video recording of Donald Trump was released, showing Trump bragging about groping, kissing, and trying to have sex with women. In this 2005 conversation, Trump spews even more controversial and sexist comments. Trump still claims that Hillary Clinton sinks lower, as she is “married to the single greatest abuser of women in the history of politics.” (The Washington Post)

Due to a drop in barometric pressure, there is scientific evidence that proves that pregnant women are more likely to go into labor during hurricanes. Many pregnant women have gone to hospitals early before Hurricane Matthew slammed the southeastern coast. With waters breaking and the hurricane flooding, the water cycle continues. (The Atlantic)

A Dutch tourist on vacation in Myanmar is sentenced to 3 months of hard labor in prison after unplugging an amplifier that was Buddhist chants. The tourist claims that he was tired and thought that children were playing music too loudly when he disrupted an assembly in worship. The tourist wept when he was sentenced to prison. (New York Times)

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio, an outspoken advocate for environmental policy and climate change awareness, had a White House screening of his documentary, Before the Flood. During the discussion, he hints at his distaste for Donald Trump when saying,“If you don’t believe in climate change, you don’t believe in facts, and science, and empirical truths,… and, in my humble opinion, [you] should not be allowed to hold public office.” DiCaprio’s film aims to inform audiences about climate change and the importance of environmental policy. Before the Flood will be released October 26, 2016. (The Guardian)

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