A three-week-old white-tailed deer fawn, Odocoileus virginianus, at the Gladys Porter Zoo.

Bwogline: A deer by the name of Jackie Robinson was on death row after the office of Mayor Bill de Blasio captured the deer that was roaming the streets of Harlem. He was about to be euthanised when Governor Andrew M. Cuomo stopped the euthanization, demanding that the deer be released. Although the laws are unclear, the city plans to move the deer to a more natural location.

Study Tip: Whether you’re proofreading a paper or memorizing facts, talk it out! It’s the best way to catch awkward sentences or find holes in your argument. Your brain will learn through hearing and reading the information!

Music: If you need to focus on studying and want to drown out the sound of despair from Butler, turn to film scores! Through a dynamic range of music, you’ll get the perfect balance of upbeat and slower-paced music that won’t make you want to sing out in the library. Also, there’s no lyrics to get you distracted.

Procrastination: Feel bad about not doing anything useful? Donate some of your time to answer questions that will feed the hungry. Not only will you be making a difference, you will be making yourself feel really smart after answering easy questions.

Overheard: “We should play Sorry because my life is full of apologies.”

J.R. via the New York Times