Studying is only tragic when you are stuck taking classes you don’t want to take.
The time has come for yet another round of class registration. We’re all struggling to get through the remainder of this semester, but for most of us, fall classes are in the not too distant future. Here are some of Bwog’s recommendations for the upcoming fall semester:
Latin: Carmela Franklin, Medieval Language and Literature and
Latin: Carmela Franklin, Latin Paleography
“Carmela Franklin is amazing and super knowledgeable about medieval Latin Studies. These are the two classes she’s teaching next semester on the subject and you should definitely take one of them.”
Political Science: Lee Bollinger (PrezBo), Freedom of Speech & Press
“It was one of the most horrifying experiences of my life, and it was the reason that I didn’t end my first semester at Columbia with a perfect GPA, but it was a truly invaluable experience nonetheless.”
History: Mark Carnes, United States 1940-1975
“His class is so so interesting. Carnes hates the lecture format but makes the absolute most of it. The readings are doable, interesting, and none are superfluous, and Carnes makes you think about history in completely new ways. I was mindblown by his connections in every single class. Also for Barnard students: this class fulfills Foundations requirements (social difference, historical perspective, local, and global).
English: Christopher Baswell, Troilus and Criseyde
“A fantastic and engaging lecturer with an incredible background of knowledge. Such a great guy.”
History: Rashid Khalidi, History of the Modern Middle East
“It is unfortunately an 8:40, but he’s a great lecturer and you learn a lot about a region that is obviously super relevant.”
English: Margaret Vandenburg, American Literature since 1945
“Even if you do not become a card-carrying member of the Vandenburg Cult™, she’s a legendary professor and missing the chance to take a course with her is tantamount to missing your one opportunity to experience true power. Also, plaid pants.”
Editors note, 8 pm: It has been brought to our attention that Bwog’s, like, two resident science majors did not do a great job of contributing courses to this post. As a result, we’re soliciting our readers’ opinions on science classes to take before you die – to be compiled in an additional post later this week! Comment your suggestions below, message them to us on Facebook or Twitter, or send them to tips@bwog.com. Please include the course, professor, and why you love it.
Image via Flickr
@Anonymous Is PrezBo’s class really worth it?
@Anonymous Not if you’ve ever taken a class that uses the Socratic method and know how to apply IRAC to a hypothetical. Once those gimmicks are out of the way, you’re left with PrezBo opining for an hour, which appeals to some people.
@Anonymous Take any math class that Robert Friedman teaches. What an absolute unit.
@margaret is our queen ^^^^amazing. She’s a hard grader but it’s fair. I’m always in awe of what she says, it’s crazy how much she knows. every class is a blessing. She’s not easy, that’s for sure, but she makes you think about things in a way you’ve never though of before. join the fan club
@SEAS Visual Interfaces of Computers – John Kender—-10/10
@Anonymous You forgot Analysis and Optimization. Excellent Class.
@A All humanities classes … yawn
@are you a SEAS kid?