As the school year comes to a close, so does this series of screenshots from the Class of 2022 GroupMe. We hope y’all enjoyed it while it lasted, and Class of 2022, we’ll see you on campus next year!
Dude, that’s so meta:
- i cropped it out, but someone’s first reaction was literally “oh no” lmao
- we all have our hobbies
- “hot take”
- i ask myself that every day
Prospies take exams, too! Dare I say, they’re just like us:
- “hey there!”
- girl just wanted to help and got hit with this shit
- a cordial exchange
- hahaha fuckin feelz
- remember APs???? remember her??
- i love how columbia spells “the most miserable week of the year” like “finals”!! it’s so unique!!!!
But between exams, they watched some movies too:
- ugh icarly. rip an icon
- honestly this is just downright insensitive
- is there any justice in the world?
- “objectively yes”
May 1 was decision day, so that meant more wholesome content™ in the GroupMe:
- dawwwwwww
- someone asked what it takes to be rescinded & this is what happened next
- ha ha ha
- the cynicism starts so young :/
@MS when you put the black square on the top comment but forgot to censor it in the reply @bwog
@Jenny Zhu Updated. Thanks!