Legal Pads ft. my upside down notes

Bwogline: Michael Cohen, Trump’s former longtime lawyer, was sentenced to three years in prison yesterday for campaign-finance violations, making false statements to a bank, lying to Congress, and tax evasion. At his sentencing, he said, “I felt it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds,” referring to Trump. (New York Times)

Study Tip: Write down important information on paper to help you process things. I’m a big fan of legal pads because they seem official but are also incredibly cheap, and it’s easy to tear pages off them.

Music: “Broke” by Samm Henshaw is a fantastic song. It’s not overwhelming, so it won’t distract you from reading the entire CC or LitHum syllabus before tomorrow’s final, but it’ll put you in a good enough mood to momentarily forget how much you have left to get through.

Procrastination Tip: Go into the stacks and pull random books off the shelves with your friends for some entertainment in Butler. The amount of niche content there is pretty consistently amusing. Just be sure to put them back afterward!

Overseen: A split screen between academic-looking PDFs and Bojack Horseman in the IAB library. Finals season is permanent sadboy hours.

legalese via Bwog Staff