Wednesday night we reported on the appearance of Destroyer! bus on 114th alongside Carman. Since Tuesday signs have been up saying parking on that side of 114th is prohibited today.
The Question of the Day is… is Destroyer! bus exempt from parking regulations? Is there no parking on account of Destroyer! bus? Does the NYPD think Destroyer! bus poses a threat to cars parked nearby?
More pictures after the jump for the lazy ones who don’t want to investigate themselves.
@Seth Also, I drive the buss. It is great. Got some new updates. We bought it from some punks so that is why the stickers. Sorry to mislead sahy…
@The Cinematic Underground Greetings friends. We own the Destroyer!
We can’t seem to keep it away from New York, although there were battle wounds. Destroyer! now looks just like the photos above, minus antlers. That is the vehicular equivalent to castration. Shame.
@The Cinematic Underground Greetings friends. We own the Destroyer!
We can’t seem to keep it away from New York, although there were battle wounds. Destroyer! now looks just like the photos above, minus antlers. That is the vehicular equivalent to castration. Shame.
@sahy they had a municipal waste sticker on the back of their bus which is a great hardcore/punk band so it got me pretty excited….i actually emailed cody thinking (hoping) he’d know something about it, but he didn’t have a clue….
@curious is this just one of those promo vehicles hyping cody hess’ web site?
@c. elegans hellz yeah! only ‘the destroyer’ would originate from MA
@shira could it have something to do with the veritas forum’s cinematic underground concert tonight?
@alex I saw people loading things into (or out of) the Destroyer on my way to buy apples. I determined that they were either artists or hipster vampires. Or perhaps neither. I probably should have asked so I could have some kind of answer for BWOG. Damn me and my intense fear of bloodsucking scenesters.