In which Bwog staffer Mark Krotov familiarizes us with the places you can find him when he’s supposed to be in class.

“We have a geology library? Do we even have a geology department?”

Yes. And no. Yes.

In some ways, those two questions reveal a lot of what makes the Geology Library wonderful. It doesn’t entirely make sense, but it’s there, on the west side of Schermerhorn 6, occupying one end of the massive building. Because of its position, it has the best illumination on campus–three sides of the main room are dominated by massive windows. And that’s in addition to neat rows of light fixtures hanging from the ceiling. I can never really tell where the light is coming from, but it’s always bright and warm, due in no small part to the light salmon-colored walls.

Most of all, the library works because it feels really old. It’s not shabby or unkempt. Rather, the space has an amazing solidity, from its scuffed brown floor, to the broken clock above the entrance, to the stacks in the back room, which are darker and more mysterious than any room in Butler.

The more time I spend in Geology, the more I realize that its friendly, airy ambience is a pretty unique thing to find on this campus. The older buildings tend to be poorly maintained (see: Fayerweather) or overly renovated (see: Religion Department), while the newer buildings lack the overwhelming sense of permanence that makes itself known the moment one walks by the circulation desk in the library. And while the absence of a geology department at Columbia may make the library’s presence a little odd, if not anachronistic One can only be grateful for such an endearing study space.