What happens when 223 of the most enthusiastic people on campus get together in one place? Bwog found out at this afternoon’s Orientation Leader orientation, half as long as last year’s and still jam-packed with cheesy icebreakers, awkward raps, and interpretive dance. To Bwog’s surprise and bemusement, nearly everyone lustily joined in a recital of the NSOP cheer:
NSOP is reeeedd Hot
NSOP is reeeedd Hot
Once we start we can’t be stopped
Hooray for early move-in! I mean, we love first-years…
This year’s theme is, according to a crew chief, “Community.” Yes.
@sigh bwog, you need a new post
@seriously Didn’t you guys hear about the Mudd suicide attempt last night?
@curious no, what happened?
@From What I hear Some kid went to the mudd roof and threatened to jump. There were cops everywhere, supposedly, and ultimately they talked him down, as is oft the case with anyone who waits long enough before jumping to be noticed.
@hmmm what the hell is “oppressment?”
@Joe It’s the opposite of anti-oppressment.
@huh? Is it different than oppression?
@sr only inasmuch as it isn’t really a word in modern english. you can find a lot of iffy/out-of-date words like that in the OED, but that’s about the only place – not in more conventional dictionaries.
@derek Will there be mandatory anti-oppressment training this year?
@ashley nsop was the worst shit i’ve ever experienced. it made me regret coming to columbia. they make you feel like it’s the first day of kindergarten or something. kill me.