Prestige-obsessed Columbians should be pleased to hear that 3 2 3 of the 5 most influential “idea-makers” in New York (as ranked by New York Magazine) work at Columbia!
Everyone else should at least get some morbid thrill to know that on said magazine’s list of the 5 most influential New Yorkers in education, our own PrezBo appears not.
Update: Adding to the irony, he did make the cut for real estate.
Update 2: Robert Thurman (Uma’s dad) made it in religion.
@list there are a surprising number of columbia names across the disciplines, actually. its great
@JCH Can we also include Phillip Seymour Hoffman–adjunct at A&S–and James Schamus–film prof? George Steel also listed as exec director of the Miller Theater,
Noticeably absent from the list: Bernard Tschumi, architectural genius (?) behind Lerner Hall and director of Columbia’s school of artchitecture
@One more thing There is a notable lack of Columbia Trustees. By my count, none of the 23 (sans Bollinger himself) made the cut.
Hehe. Hehe. Whoops
@speaking of influential columbians... why hasn’t the glen hubbard music video been bwogged!?
@hubbard that video’s hilarious
run a search on for it (search “Glenn Hubbard” or “Columbia business school”)
@nm nm youtube, you have a better link
@Bah. Why hasn’t it been bwogged indeed! Bah, I say. Bah.
@med school dominates
@some med school dude is also listed
@alums? if you count CU alums, there are surely many on these lists. I know robert AM stern (in architecture) is one.
@no love for the medical center? dr. mehmet oz of CUMC made the list for health.
@prez bo did make the list as a “neighborhood changer”
how fitting the prez is more of a real estate man than an educator
@also CU is NYC’s 8th most influential employer
@john schamus also made the list in “movies”
@robert thurman made it in the religion category
@vroot this list is bullshit. brian greene’s pet theory was all but debunked a few months ago. and jeffrey sachs is just evil.
@hi ttan.
@i'm a string theory skeptic who’s done a physics degree already, but there was no ‘debunking’ of string theory in the last 5 months. You really need to specify what you mean (are you basing it on a particular set of papers) before you make such an outlandish claim
@well Did you count Thurman in the religion section?
@well actually. they were right the first time. Neuhaus works at Columbia (sort of, anyway). see
@herb NYU derserves to be better than Columbia, if bwog’s lackluster counting effort is any indication of the student body’s ability to count.
@M.R. I only count two. And I think NYMag just bitchslapped CU by saying NYU is better than Columbia. Yeah, right.