Striding across College Walk, Bwog correspondent Gautam Hans sighted the Blood Drive Van and made this keen observation:
“Although the Red Cross and other blood donation agencies are famous for not allowing men who’ve had anal sex with other men to donate (due to FDA regulations), some staff member was either being sly or not thinking when putting a sign on the front of the van reading “PLEASE ENTER THROUGH THE BACK DOOR.” Looks like the van itself is less picky than the organization that runs it.”
Entirely independently, tipster Peter Mende-Siedlecki sent us this news of sexual subliminal messaging. It’s everywhere!
@HatingonGautam How far our favorite bibliophile has fallen…
@Subliminal kid Reminds me of how the writing program sent out an e-mail on Martin Luther King Jr. Day asking students to plead for the reinstatement of a certain employee.