The prize for Coolest Outdoor Picture Background goes to Gabriel Schubiner‘s chain-link fence. Campus bad boy!
Michelle Meleski comes in a very close second for her Japanese paper wall squares.
Haley Vecchiarelli, I’m citing you for the Most Flagrant Head Tilt. Nice job.
Jae Chung shows off a wonderful Yearbook Fist on Chin pose. Keep it up.
The Best Name prize goes to Brandon Hammer, along with Most Likely to Be a Badass Rogue Cop.
Tate Jackson wins for Having Someone Whispering in Your Ear in Your Picture While You’re Wearing a Bowtie.
Most Likely People to Pull Off a Heist; on page 37, check out the fourth row.
Thomas Breen, Corey Bregman, David Brekke, and Robert Brennan should be in a bank-robbing gang, because they all look cool but in different ways. The stern Breen does the explosives, frenetic Bregman hacks the security codes, tough-as-nails Brekke handles crowd control with the shotty, and slick Robert Brennan, a.k.a. Bobby B, drives getaway and has some cool catchphrase. If you guys are reading this, form a gang now.
The picture section also includes little “I wish I had known” hint boxes for life at CU, so freshmen won’t have to learn things the hard way. Remember the “hard” way?
From page 47: “I wish I had known that you should get off the uptown 2-3 train on or before
This sort of subliminal fear does at least take readers beyond the hype, since, according to the facebook, Columbia life ultimately is about being afraid of Harlem, along with fake enthusiasm, condescension toward Barnard, and normal looking if not attractive students. By conveying those truths directly or otherwise, NSOP’s facebook succeeds. But why wouldn’t it?
After all, Tony Fu CC ’09 worked on it, and he rules.
@Fu Fighters When (and where) can I pick up a Tony Fu t-shirt?
Tony Fu > Cowbell
@if i were a freshman, and i knew addison anderson knew my name and face, i’d be honored.
@indeed it should be a mark of honor.
@although this was done in fairly good taste. when i saw the headline, i cringed. but addison did a pretty good job with it and not totally mortifying these folks. although, since i am not them, i really can’t speak authoritatively on the matter.
@alma omg, i would be so mortified if my photo was up here.
@eh.. he looks like a member of a band from the british invasion to me–not necessarily a yuppie
@tate jackson is he a son of ipswich? did his legacy connections not work at princeton or yale? I thought tuxedoed wasps were an endangered species here.
@bwog should refrain from personally identifying people from now on, because shit like this (and the riddhi dasgupta thread) is bound to happen
@Ah! This is hilarious.
@seriously can we put the harlem subway jokes to rest? it’s getting severely hackneyed.
@mat I think the reason there have been so many is because many–in this case, the Facebook and the Spec orientation issue–have made such big deals out of it, and Bwog in turn is joking about that?
@yeah yeah, obviously. the joke is that that attitude is in the facebook in the first place. dizzoy.