So here we are again, coming across as bratty rabblerousers. I guess changes in the LitHum syllabus don’t excite the public these days.

Bwog is very much in jest, but, anyways, here is the Spec coverage, and here are some national media/blog responses to the events of last night.

Daily News

New York Sun 

Michelle Malkin


Martin Peretz 





Columbia Conservatives president Victor Cocchia at RedState

Additionally, here is the Minuteman Project response.

 ALSO: We’ve received news that some of the protesters will be on the O’Reilly Factor tonight, which airs at 8PM EST.  *Edit: Subsequent information has made this statement obsolete, although members of the board of directors will be on hand to discuss the events, and the Factor website lists the Minutemen protest as the theme of the entire show tonight. (Although, that did not turn out to be the case.)