If you find yourself in need of a pick-me-up in the (other) holiday season…the one that celebrates small children talking to strangers, cotton cobwebs, and fear in general… check out these heartening personals! Email bwgossip@columbia.edu; if you’re chosen we’ll give the two of you $5 to spend at your first meeting. Maybe you can dress up together! P.S.: if you or anyone you know would like to be a personal, shoot us a second e-mail. We read them.
Girl for Guy |
Guy for Friendship |
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Name: Joanna
School: CC
Year: ’09
Major: EALAC/Econ
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Top three songs according to ITunes’ play count:
“Hummingbird” – Wilco
“Bongo Bong” – Manu Chao
“Extraordinary Machine” – Fiona Apple
You’re trapped on a deserted island with three foods—what are they?
Asparagus, chicken and lots of chocolate
Describe your favorite pair of underwear.
Bright blue, yellow polka dots!
It’s 2 o’clock on a Sunday afternoon. Where can you be found?
Nightmare date in three words or less:
Awkward, not cool
So, what are you doing after college?
Umm… going to China, then who knows?
When I first came to Columbia, I thought…
Oh my god I am finally here…let’s go!
TCBY or Tasti D-lite?
Need you ask?! Tasti!
Flight, invisibility, or X-Ray vision?
Flight, I love heights!
Unusual talents?
I’m sadly lacking…I can belly dance?
MySpace or Facebook?
Facebook… don’t even have a MySpace account.
Joanna, be “a sexy firefighter” with me !
Name: Andrew
School: SEAS
Year: 2009
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Somers, NY
Top three songs according to ITunes’ play count:
“If you want me to stay” – Family Stone
“Captain Hampton and the Midget Pirates” – Aquabats
“2 Tone Army” – The Toasters
You’re trapped on a deserted island with three foods—what are they?
avocados, cookie dough ice cream, chocolate chips
Describe your favorite pair of underwear.
Boxers with little santas on a rocketship. Well worn with too
many holes to really be useful anymore.
It’s 2 o’clock on a Sunday afternoon. Where can you be found?
Where any other respectable engineer is, locked my room trying to
finish a weeks worth of unfinished assignments.
Nightmare date in three words or less:
awkward silence
So, what are you doing after college?
Once i fail out of Columbia i’ll go be a tv chef.
When I first came to Columbia, I thought…
where’s the bathroom?
TCBY or Tasti D-lite?
If theres one thing you NEVER want to see made, its tasti-delight.
trust me.
Flight, invisibility, or X-Ray vision?
Why isnt telekenesis on that list?
Unusual talents?
Can find an infinite amount of ways to waste my life on YouTube
MySpace or Facebook?
Facebook, although its on its way to the grave within a year.
@word i agree, facebook is going to be socially unacceptable
@anti FB and thank god for that