Bizarrely dressed administrators — including one in a chicken suit — are handing out sweets in the lobby of Hamilton RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t happen that often, kids.
Bizarrely dressed administrators — including one in a chicken suit — are handing out sweets in the lobby of Hamilton RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t happen that often, kids.
@yay did anyone else see Quigley dresses in Harry Potter garb??!?
@alum Here’s a heads-up:
After doing this for the first time last year, they followed-up in the spring on Valentine’s Day.
Nothing says Columbia lovin’ like Quigley and cupcakes.
@wtf no one tells me about this stuff… it doesn’t help that my hamilton classes were all from 9-11. !@#$!
@deanie someone must have won a rhodes…dean pippenger looks psyched.
@joe i can’t believe i missed it…they should have done it all day
@yeah I went in at 2:30 and there was just a table with some leftovers sitting on it…lame.
@hey that’s not the lobby, buddy
@well they were mostly in the lobby…only a few of them moved outdoors and I guess the cameraguy was lazy.
@why isn’t dean mescher wearing the head?!
@mlp There’s also a table with goodies in front of the campus entrance to Lerner.
@actually they’ve been doing this every year at halloween…too bad it’s really only for people who have class on that afternoon in hamilton (or are otherwise apprised)…no candy for the engineers in mudd, I’m afraid.