Have you found yourself getting lost more and more as of late? Blame this maintenance truck, which has been driving around the Columbia area, both on and off campus, for the past week. A sign is posted in its rear window, giving directions to the Registrar’s Office, the ID Center, and Student Financial Services—all of which, incidentally, are located in Kent Hall. Which would all be well and good, of course, if the directions given by the sign didn’t keep changing along with the position of the truck. So far, it’s been seen in front of Hamilton facing east, on the path to Low facing north, and on Broadway facing south. Confused pre-frosh don’t know what to do.

@Kent Because of all of the construction on the east side of the steps and in front of kent, the easiest way to get up to, say, Philosophy, is actually to go into Kent from the college walk entrance and take the stairs up to the main entrance of the building. (just a little short cut I thought I’d share…)
@Better yet... Just go through the basement in Hamilton.
@woah! the basement in Hamilton! there’s a path to kent under college walk? Woah!
@Better yet... is that sarcasm…? Hard to tell.
But, yeah. You can get through to Philosophy too (although if you’re taller than 5’7″, it’s not very fun, because the ceiling is just low enough to annoy tall people). You can probably get past that, but only if you’re adventurous.