In which Bwog actually clicks on those homepage links you studiously ignore when checking your email…
Sachs’ crew, rewriting the story of Katrina, confronts existential quandaries
Nikola Tesla (who is somewhat affiliated with Columbia, at least enough to have a bust of himself donated to Mudd by some random Michigan schoolchildren) may have actually “invented electricity”
Will the administration next claim that Enrico Fermi “invented uranium”, that Thomas Hunt Morgan “invented genes” . . . or bolster ex-Journalism School prof Al Gore‘s claim that he “invented the internet”?
@Wo... ist der QuickSpec?
@Tesla was a pimp. Incidentally his funeral service was held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
@tesla didn’t event electricity but he is responsible for alternating current, as in AC, as in AC/DC, which besides being a tragically pigeonholed band and a convenient slang for homosexuality, is also the shit that powers pretty much anything you plug into a wall. so yeah, dude was on his game.
@rjt AC/DC is actually a slang for bisexual, not homosexual.
@Anonymous it reminds me of this…
Consequences of Erudite Vernacular Utilized Irrespective of Necessity: Problems with Using Long Words Needlessly
@Anonymous that barnard history professor is a waste of air.
“Marie Antoinette was actively complicit in creating her own mythical image—that of the all-powerful queen.”
actively complicity?
@haha Fermi left Columbia during WW2 and never came back. Not enough lab space.
Manhattanville: Never Again…