A dear alumnus informs us that Ady Barkan, C ’06, is working to make the
last past six months of his life relevant: he’s the spokesman for one Victoria Wulsin, who’s 2,300 votes down against incumbent Republican Jean Schmidt (who incurred Democratic wrath by calling decorated veteran John Murtha a coward) in Ohio’s second district. Barkan, who mucked around with various publications at Columbia, campaigned against sweatshop labor, and stuck it to John McCain at graduation last year, has been working for Wulsin since May. Make us proud, Ady!
@you fools Conservatives won this election, regardless of the party. The Democratic victors were by and large conservatives, and in some cases even more conservative than the Republicans they defeated. Jim Webb a liberal? Are you kidding?
Liberals got screwed this election. This was no move to the center, this was a thinly veiled power grab enabled by a temporary abandonment of principles. Pennsylvania elected Bob Casey, a pro-life, anti-women’s rights Democrat. He’s more conservative than the state’s other senator, pro-choice, pro-gay rights Republican Arlen Specter.
@rjt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law
@yes! Someone has called someone else a Nazi, so we know this is now an official online debate(scratch that) argument(scratch that) pissing match(that’ll do).
@sim why do people always extoll the virtue of unbiased reporting? no such thing…its good to see the bwog fighting the good fight.
@haha this is why the campus echo chamber is such an issue…if you actually believe your partisan political position to be infallible truth, we have a serious problem. earth to columbian: the categorical imperative does not necessarily vote for the democratic party.
@ugh Talk about an overly simplistic view of politics. I never said he was republican, but that he was conservative. If you don’t know the difference, study the difference between westchester county republicans and montana democrats.
joe lieberman is an orthodox jew who supports the war in iraq and is opposed to bringing the troops back, he’s pro free trade, pro israel, pro tort reform, he’s sponsored legislation against violent video games, etc., etc., etc. (note that I’m not saying these are necessarily bad things, just conservative viewpoints) Is he a Jerry Falwell conservative? No. But for a northeastern senator, he’s conservative – which is why the republicans are supporting him.
@well badow…
suck it 20
and 21…hey..hitler like biased reporting too…they were just fighting the good fight
@ugh Joe Lieberman is hardly liberal, by any definition – in case you didn’t notice, he had the support of more republicans than democrats this election cycle (which is why the republicans were campaigning for him.
@how does that make him republican again which was the original assertion. stop speaking now stupid bitch.
and think about what you’re typing before calling someone a dumbass.
@number 17 needs to learn something about American politics.
Joe is a die hard social and economic progressive, liberal – whatever you want to call him. He won the support of Republicans because he’s long articulated a strong foreign policy and stands against “Cut and Run.” So if you’re a one issue Peacnik with no understanding of anything other than “OMG I HAET TEH BUSH LOLZ!1!!” – shut the hell up
@speccie “half of spec’s reproters believe they have the best critique of capitalism”
Which half would that be? And how many Spec reporters have you even met? I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say – that we’re a bunch of socialists? The ISO would beg to differ…
@haha Yeah, I love when both the far-left and the right claim that Spectator is biased against them…
@that doesn't make spec anything akin to centrist (or objective).
@give me a break i agree bwog and spec are too left to a fault sometimes but all they’re doing is complementing the efforts of a student during the elections…their headline isn’t partisan and all they say is ‘make us proud andy’ which is directed at that one individual
lets calm down w/the post bashing
@hmm “make us proud”…way to be politically balanced. just like spec’s election blog covered only the democrats. this school seems to want to go out of its way to prove bill o’reilly right…
on an unrelated note, liz brown cc’07’s dad won a senate seat…not worth a post?
@Where's the obligation to be “balanced”? It’s a post about the current work of a student.
@there are definitely students and alumnus working on both sides…either way still nice to see reporting on alumnus past college life
@well we should welcome news of alumni achievements, but it seems wrong for bwog to cheer the results of them if they swing one way politically without a counterweight of some sort.
@actually The Repubs didn’t want spec to send a blogger to follow them in connecticut.
@lets be serious spec and bwog are both obviously left of center outlets so it doesn’t suprise me that kulawik and his ilk wouldn’t want them tagging along. The spec editorial board and bwogs own framing of posts are very liberal and half of spec’s reproters believe they have the best critique of capitalism. At least if they don’t allow them in, the neocons can still claim they’re being marginalized.
@but it’s one thing to have a “left of center” orientation, another to write in posts/articles “we wish candidate x the best”. everyone knows the times is left of center, but could you imagine them reporting the virginia recount with headlines like “go webb!”?
@It is hard to cover Republicans who are too scared to let a reporter see how dirty and pessimistically their campaign offices really are run. The CU Repubs wouldn’t let a Spec reporter come on the trip.
@what a joke bwog and spec are both snarkily and pathetically liberal and i wouldn’t trust them either.
as for the repubs being scared about how dirty their campaigns are..how about madrid’s cronies forgetting 1000+ ballots for a wilson district or this direct video/photo evidence of scumbag dems showing their hypocritical colors
stop trying to play the victim you hypocritical fuck
and for all your bloviating at least the slimy repubs got voted out while spineless dems gave one corrupt jerk the most votes in his election (bill jefferson of 900k in a freezer fame) and put in another one in menendez who currently has as much proven against him as burns and many others did
@idiot “Republicans who are too scared to let a reporter see how dirty and pessimistically their campaign offices really are run.”
Spec wanted to tag along to their campaign for JOE LIEBERMAN – 3 term Democratic Senator
read before you speak, you dumbass
@umm The previous six months of his life, I think the poster met.
@umm Is Ady Barkan terminally ill?