‘Tis the season for the arrival of the new issue of The Current, Columbia’s “Journal of Contemporary Politics, Culture, and Jewish Affairs”. The latest edition’s cover is graced with a reminder of the brutal fisticuffs to which our fair university descended in the Spring of 1968, not to mention the horrible handlebar mustaches our predecessors donned at the time. But without further adieu, we here summarize and gently mock the contents of a noble publication, part of that great Leviathan, “old media”, that nourisheth Bwog with life-giving content.
Presumptions shattered! Chinese and Jews enjoy a relationship beyond positive stereotypes, take-out
Disney and Steve Irwin team up to offer animals the “cool table in the cafeteria of evolution”
Scoreboard at Halftime: Random Hookups at Columbia: 23984798. Dates at Columbia: 38.
Boy Scouts might be bigots…or concerned citizens of humanity…but everyone agrees their uniforms suck
@whatever b/w is just pissed that adhoc did a better minuteman article than they did that was more timely. and a better editorial that didn’t rehash everything else. why would they want to acknowledge that?
@what a sophmoric and retarded fucking editorial. stupid groups linkign to your site prove your inflammatory…ok, yeah. lets keep that rule and throw bwog the hell out for being linked to by indymedia and the worldwide socialists
@Watcher Or, you know, you could do it yourselves…
@please link to the editorial, dear bwog.
@wah? The Current came out over a month ago… This is surprisingly old newz.
@Anonymous no link to the editorial? it was quite good.
@that was a pretty shabby article actually. blame the victim. sound strategy for the silver spoon liberal columbians
@handlebar man what’s horrible about a handlebar mustache?
@good dating article. and its really true.
honestly too, i’ve asked out and been asked out by girls in nyc who aren’t from columbia/barnard but no one from here simply because they’re more approachable
@MEDIA WATCH no quick jester or quick adhoc, but yet another incestuous b+w-related post?!
@how is the current b&w related?
fyi, bwog can’t link to specific articles within pdf documents, which is what jester has on right now. nor can it do all quickwhatevers, all the time.