(Spoiler warning: It is almost certain the comments will be full of spoilers)

An “100% anonymous” tipster reported what is likely the first of several puzzles which may will appear over the next few weeks.  People who enjoyed Myst back in the day might be reminded of the game and realize this is nowhere near as tight as Myst, but it is still a mystery, in a sense.  Secret sources (what other kind?) report that last year, successfully solving them yielded an invite to what was essentially “the college equivalent of an AD&D party”. (For clarification, AD&D is “Advanced Dungeons and Dragons,” distinguishable from the normal “D&D” because I get it confused with Attention Deficit Order rather than with Dance Dance Revolution.)

The puzzle itself is a “death note,” a notebook supposedly with the power to kill people, and, and the puzzle includes a quote from the owner of the notebook, the rules by which it operates, and a list of people it has killed or tried to kill. At the bottom is the mysterious all-caps sentence THE ONLY MAN NEVER TO BE REDEEMED IS THE MAN WITHOUT PASSION.

(The full puzzle and more detail after the jump)


To join the secret nerd society, students must submit clues by the end of April Fool’s Day to a website called “Them Earth Meteors”, which has a picture of two meteors that look like earth.  Between them earth meteors is that letter “M”, which you can click on to enter text, and possibly gain entry to a land of wonder.

Here’s the first clue in full: