Due to the less-than-pleasant weather, Columbia Japan Society has moved its Matsuri Festival to the Lerner Party Space. There’s also quite a load of free food down there, which they are encouraging students to come down and eat — not to mention $2 bento boxes, girls in kimonos, Wiis, quirky carnival-esque games and Hello Kitty raffle prizes (we kid you not). They party’s going until 8 PM. Go!

@i'd like to add there are many wonderful gershers….
@my conclusion the friday editor is weak.
todays posts were pretty bad.
@ehh Cut her some slack, Bwog has had its ups and downs in general lately and it’s been the last week of classes. Sometimes I’d like to see other students take on a Bwogger’s job for a day — I think the probably do more than we give them credit for.
Keep hangin’ in there, guys.
@whoops (for the record, “they probably,” not “the probably”…)
@Aha! Your faulty orthography betrays your true identity, Friday Bwog editor!
@friday editor Ha! Try again, Bwog poster!
@How did they get Lerner Party Space on short notice? don’t you have to book way in advance?
@Nope They had already booked it for the full time period anyway, since there was a portion of the event planned inside. They just got rid of the outdoor portion and encouraged more people to come in.
@don't be all resentful with the bold-face just because you got justly called out on saying the opposite of what you meant in the opening line of a piece
@heh The mighty BWOG does as it pleases, erroneous in vocabulary or not.
@FYI... It’s not “its” it’s “it’s.” (STUPID!)
@#3 and 4 YHBT. HAND.
@Idiomologist. Come on Bwog. They’re not indoors “in spite of” the less than pleasant weather, they’re indoors due to it.
@Yeah. Yeah, your all dumb.
@YEAH its you’re not your. YOU’RE DUMB.
@... I hope they realize they’re missing Dice-K.