cbgbIn our inaugural photo contest, Bwog got many good submissions (this editor’s Gmail quota is now three percent more depleted), which the great hive-mind of Bwog editors narrowed down to five nocturnal masterworks. First “prize” for best submission goes to Janna Herman, B’10, for “CBGB Closing Night.” Be sure to get your original photos in by next Sunday at midnight for round two – the theme is COMSUMPTION. After the jump, we round out the top five.





Runners up: 

#2: “Stay Alert for Foul Balls” (Janna Herman, B’10)



#3: “Untitled” (Neal Amin, C’08)



#4: “Untitled” (Suselina Acosta, C’07). 


#5: “Untitled,” Patrick Wolenter (Babson ’09)



Honorable Mention [received one Bwog editor’s first-place vote]: “Night Basketball” (David Iscoe C’09)