Finals are officially over. You are done, done and done — even those of you in Intro to Accounting & Finance, Jazz Improvisation, and one section of General Physics II (the only Thursday 7-10 exams).
Congrats. Go do something really fun.
UPDATE: Some SEAS finals tomorrow? Bwog is doubly sorry.
@Writing Classes? Ask for a refund if they let you write “portfolio’s.”
@wait does the mao suit guy have a british-y accent? and is this alleged suit grey? just trying to see who we’re talking about here…
@... yes and yes.
@wow thanks, guy! if you hadn’t said anything, those of us that God doesn’t want to talk to would never have known.
@portfolios Also some of us have portfolio’s due for our writing classes. Not the most daunting task, but a task nonetheless.
@guy I’ve had two classes with the mao suit guy, his name’s mike, and hes fuckin classic, no, vlassic. the guys sweet
@off topic Alright… I know this is random, but this has been shaking up the west coast. There’s going to be a crazy way that the God of the New Testament Bible is going to rock California… soon… specifically the college campuses… especially UCLA. God’s been giving alot of true followers of Christ (not just mere hypocritical Christians) prophecies of a huge earthquake-esque event… whether it be metaphorically or actual, I don’t know…. take note and keep watch. But it’s going to be good. If you’re a fellow believer, pray for them.
@what the fuck…?
@asdf i’d also like to say, what the fuck? bizarre on so many levels.
@wtf Why are random people commenting on bwog now? This person clearly does not go to Columbia…
@reminds me of a song our god is an awesome god….
@actually that person does go to columbia. I guess it’s an overflow of excitement regarding their friends outside of Columbia.
@... look at alice cooper!
@school's out for summer. school’s out for ever.
@maaaan i’m still writin a paper
@bah I have to write a paper tonight. A 15 pager, too, so not ridiculous, but not something I can just bang out in two hours.
@bahahaha Poor baby. And when exactly was this paper assigned? How long did you have to do it? Could you have done it months ago and been partying with the rest of us tonight?
Yeah, I thought so.
@huh? partying with the rest of us?
umm if your partying involves bwog commenting, i feel better because apparently im not missing much at all…
(no offense bwog, commenting on you is fun, but when i go out i have fun in a somewhat different manner)
@lame Your parties start earlier than 2am? Fuck that. I got a whole ‘nother hour to kill before I head down to the brownstones. That’s enough time to make 3 snarky Bwog comments, and still have time to take a shower.
@whoa you shower before parties? i typically like to get my musk nice and ripe so the ladies can smell me coming and prepare themselves to be taken
@yesyesyes!!! summer summer summer!! oh my god i’m so excited! and freakishly dunk…blaaahhh
@umm I know someone with a final at noon tomorrow…
@Prolific Commenter What! There won’t be a Lit Hum exam in the fall???