dfs“ARRESTS VERY LIKELY” read the press release for today’s sit-in at Stanford (they don’t get out until June 6, the poor dears) over the University’s refusal to sign on to a nationwide anti-sweatshop campaign. The Stanford Daily hasn’t said anything yet about this latest round of rabble rousing (although they have reported on the ongoing negotiations) so we don’t know how well it turned out. In any case, it looks like Columbia may actually be more progressive on this one: after similar antics last April, PrezBo joined the Designated Suppliers Program, a set of labor standards for the factories that produce all those expensive shirts in the bookstore. Stanford President John Hennessy has proven more reticent, which might have something to to with the $105 billion million that Nike CEO and Stanford Business School alumnus Phil Knight forked over last year. 

Although they didn’t do it eight years ago, either, so good luck.