Besides Chipotle and cute guys, other Things of Consequence have occured in the world of the Heights over the last few days. Here’s a bit of context.  

ddsfPrezBo issued a statement condemning members of a British teachers union who decided to boycott their Israeli counterparts because of their “complicity” in the Jewish state’s oppression of Palestine. Courageous stand or no, PrezBo’s getting a lot of props with the Jewish community, both at home and abroad. Hail Sir Bollinger, defender of the righteous.

Meanwhile, the Manhattanville project steams ahead–the city just certified Columbia’s rezoning plan for the area, giving the community 60 days to comment and vote on the propozed changes. Bollinger says the new campus will be “fundamentally diff erent” from the Morningside fortress, but that hasn’t satisfied neighborhood agitators, who  contend that no amount shiny, expensive retail (or cool environmental architecture, which we’re sure had nothing to do with us complaining about how it originally didn’t exist) will make up for the lack of affordable housing. SCEG wants you to protest, and Renzo
couldn’t give a damn. Surprises on all sides.

UPDATE, 2:17 PM EST: More info from the Times‘ city blog, and for a significantly longer read, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement itself (which Spec has already ably covered).