Make sure to send Bwog pictures of yourself in all your costumed glory before you go out trick-or-treating tomorrow night. The winner will receive an outgoing voicemail message recorded on their phone by Andrew Flynn! And eternal fame and accolades!
Make sure to send Bwog pictures of yourself in all your costumed glory before you go out trick-or-treating tomorrow night. The winner will receive an outgoing voicemail message recorded on their phone by Andrew Flynn! And eternal fame and accolades!
@Flynnnerlover I slept with flynn when he was a freshman in high school. He totally would leave an outgoing voicemail message for me just because I threatened him.
@Anonymous You know nothing of my work.
@But you do love being reduced to a cultural stereotype.
@endorsement If Peter Gallotta does not enter this contest and win, I am not sure if Bwog should exist.
@omg! i seriously just clicked on this thread in order to post that exact same comment
@uh huh AGREED!!!
@Banner change?! Bwog you are too cute.
@YES somebody just initiated a PENIS game in reference
@harroween what were some good ones from last year?
@did any one see those pilgrims by the sundial today? wtf?
@I want Carl Castle. This is obviously a rip off from npr’s wait wait don’t tell me.
And further reason to love bwog.
@It's Carl.. Kassel.
Without being a public radio geek and visiting the website, I wouldn’t have known either. Don’t feel too bad.
@omg I wish I had a camera. That is such a good prize.
@Andrew Flynn is my God Term.
@Andrew Flynn??? You mean the God who walks among us mortals?