Behind the jump is what you’ve all been waiting for– the answers to the last two Bluebook crossword puzzles in all their corny glory. Enjoy, and stop pestering the alias.
First-Years Just Don’t Understand
Across Down
4. butlermasterbator 1. felipetarud
7. love 2. creepytwins
9. cred 3. dontbeapussy
10. uris 5. mattsanchez
12. specblogs 6. fox
13. illegal 8. mcintosh
15. nalgene 11. renilaine
14. heels
Across Down
1. seminars 1. snow
4. secondsemester 2. turkey
7. tryptophan 3. lernerlake
8. midterms 5. mellowcreme
9. exfoliate 6. tan
@It's hard for me to call a puzzle a crossword if it doesn’t have many actual crossed-words in it. It’s more like a few-vaguely-connected-words puzzle, or the results of a poor game of scrabble.
@what not a first year and still don’t know what this is from.
@Bluebook = Column in the Blue & White print, which featured the crossword puzzles mentioned above.
@this is lame.