Anonymous passerby wants to know why there’s a tent filled with blankets in front of Barnard’s Lehman library.

This morning, Bwog inquired about the painted, comforter-filled tent. Three girls manning the table behind the tent explained that the tent was symbolic of a call for discourse about academic issues concerning Barnard to take place on Barnard’s actual campus, as opposed to across the street.

On the table at which the three girls sat, there were post-its written by passersby responding to issues such as Barnard activism, gentrification/expansion, and the reassessment of the 9 Ways of Knowing. Some post-its were more serious than others–as the proportion of exclamation points to words is always a fine signifier of seriousness.

In Bwog’s ten minutes observing the tent city and table environs, no student actually went inside the tent, though a few stopped to glance at the post-its scattered across the table. The set-up is only lasting the rest of the for the rest of the day, “Unless it goes well! Then it will be here tomorrow,” explained one of the three girls.