Speaking of swankfests, Bwog’s eyes widened at the shindig Columbia is putting on for its employees in Roone Arledge right about now. It’s invite only, so we can’t tell you what’s inside except to say that it involves bright neon lights and bouncy Christmas music. If you manage to beg, barter, or sneak your way in, eat a canape for us.
Meanwhile, we missed the send-off party, but a cadre of SCEG-types are downtown as we speak, presumably having their say at the last foregone conclusion of a City Council meeting on Manhattanville. More info to follow.
@employees I wonder who qualifies as an “employee.” Is this event mostly frequented by professors, or administrators, “deans,” maintenance crew, etc.?
@Not for profs... The party was for folks on maintenance staff, facilities, and campus service-oriented offices. Basically, it’s a nice gesture of appreciation for all those people the rest of campus oftentimes ignores (and sadly mistreats). I’m glad the University does this.
@my office is mentioning live music, “Dr. Seuss floral arrangements,” sushi, shrimp and maybe lobster. Apparently this year’s Enchanted Forest theme is better than the “Candyland” theme of two years ago. Calm now but “wait until people start drinking.”
@Vapid I thought Lerner was the student center.
@Rapid Use it or lose it.
Entitled pricks…
Re: #3 – Probably support staff. I.e. non-faculty and non-senior admins (dean’s etc.)
@Crapid you thought wrong
lerner has never been a student center
it’s a fucking joke
@then again South Field was never intended to be student housing either, but this semester proved otherwise…