@eye I’m using ie7 and I can barely read the eye. all the content is stuffed into a thin column of the page that I have to scroll to the right to even see. if any of the eye webmasters are reading this, please fix.
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@now now The Eye’s gift guide also had much cheaper options. Also Michael Cera’s career is doomed to one kind of role forever.
@Yech The Eye sucks
@Dear Michael Cera, Your legs are as smooth and milky white as alabaster. My mancrush on you grows more intense with each day.
@you'reALLthinkingIT nice legs.
@look Michael Cera…love of my life.
@eye I’m using ie7 and I can barely read the eye. all the content is stuffed into a thin column of the page that I have to scroll to the right to even see. if any of the eye webmasters are reading this, please fix.