Manatees as the key to ethical (and adorable) expansion? Brilliant!
Silver Sushi? Awesome!
Roscoe Jenkins and Britney’s vagina are easily confused
I thought I was in a cellar in Paris, but really it was just a basement room in a church.
Hey, look, it’s an article! No, wait—it’s just a list of New Jersey stereotypes.
Two years of assiduous editing and all we’ve got is a “kind of incomprehensible” “faltering effort”? We’ve made a huge mistake.
@speccy everyone should read the CPI piece…
@Alexandra As the author of this EyePoke, I feel that the tone was quite mocking. For proof of a generally mocking tone towards the Eye, see past EyePokes.
@the eye …is shit. No more Eye unless a more mocking tone is acquired.