The Dems are on the ramps of Lerner, distributing cupcakes to anyone who will sign a petition to lower the price of birth control on campus. Due to the oversight of some legislative intern (probably a college student him- or herself), college students have lost the price reduction on birth control that kept us hiploose and fancy-free. There’s a whole box of cupcakes waiting for you to fight for your rights, but make haste and grab one of the last sprinkly ones!
@the dems literally probably spend more than half their budget on food…all their meetings have tons of pizza, as did the watch party , etc. and they’re always giving out food on campus
Either way, its real hard to deny the republicans have brought the more interesting speakers over the past couple years—regardless of how fun ad hom’ing kulawik might be.
lololololol acne!
@Food is the surest way to attract an audience to an event. If the Dems spent that much on food, it’s probably a good thing, since it means they have many events and lots of attendees, contrary to Kulawik’s assertions.
@Technicality The petitions were to lower prices of birth control on college campuses nationwide. Columbia Health Services has done a pretty good job in compensating for Congress’ error.
@well.... Before he was writing racist, insane articles he still didn’t do anything that resembled running a club… it’s hard work maintaining a field of acne as cultivated as the one he has though…
@sleepy and by “bribary” I mean “bribery?”
@bribary? bribary?
@also Add to the DEMS list for the week: debate watch on Tuesday.
Their emails are freakin’ packed. Do they have lives?
@just saying DEMS this week:
Howard Dean, Joe Parent and Cupcakes.
GOP this week:
a meeting?
@sorry Chris Kulawik seems to be too busy writing stupid articles to piss people off to actual run a club.
@What are you talking about? He said that the Republicans program AT LEAST AS MUCH as the Dems. He was on Fox News, so he wouldn’t lie now would he?