We’re one day in to Michelle Diamond’s CCSC’s big off-campus flex adventure, and cold reality is beginning to set in. Bwog’s deep and meticulous investigation of anecdotes solicited from fellow Bwoggers shows that CUID transactions are drawn-out processes that challenge the patience of the already rather impatient cashiers at local eateries. Justin Vlasits reports that at Ham Del, “the guy behind the counter was complaining about how the flex swiping machine is quite slow.” The estimated time to print a receipt is a shocking three minutes. What’s causing the delay? The cashier from Paul Barndt’s most recent trip to Nussbaum explained that the card had to be “verified,” which left him “standing in an awkward position at the entrance and bumping into old ladies.” Is the welfare of our delicate neighborhood geriatric population worth the sheer pleasure of eating Nussbaum’s delicious black and white cookies on our parents’ dime? Bwog’s answer is an only slightly tentative yes.