Some of you may have noticed the site was down for the last couple of hours. Apparently the downtime was due to something vague and apparently troublesome occurring with our sever.
But we’re here to assure you that we’re back and we apologize for the inconvenience. And not only that, we come bearing good news! Tipsters Alexandra Muhler and Josh Mathew inform us that two Columbia students–Nhu-y Ngo of Nebraska and Sarracina Davis Littlebird of New Mexico–and one Barnard student, Amanda Catherine MacLellan of New Hampshire–have just been awarded prestigious Truman Scholarships.
@Amanda MacLellan thanks!
@anonymous ii “you’re welcome. now die.” – godzilla
@Well deserved Go Cina and Nhu-Y, they are both very deserving of the award!
@zhou also, it’s Nhu-Y, not Nhu-y.
@Amanda MacLellan “MacLellan.” But thank you
@ZvS Sorry! Fixed.
@Fuck you Bwog! How dare you experience downtime. When I need my fix, you be there; capiche?
@it's capisci
@aggoufosds can we get better news items than this. yawn
@amanda maclellan totally rocks. congrats, amanda.
@way to go Sarracina! She’s awesome!
@... internet problems? who let michelle diamond into the room where they keep the “columbia server?”
@alison yay nhu-y! so deserving! :)