In case you haven’t noticed,Columbia’s favorite red-tail has his (or her?) own Hawkmadinebwog! To show our affection, Bwog staffers have been writing haikus in honor of the best individual of Order Falconiformes. Ours are pretty good (see below) but we think you, dear readers and hawk fans, can do better. And since one of H-dad’s favorite things is contests, we’ll give a prize to the writer of his best poetic praise.


Haikus by Katie R., Zach vS and Anna C. after the jump!


like wind on early spring days,

ravages squirrels.

-Anna C.

For too long we were stooped

in complacency. Now, from the skies

something new descends, talons bared.

-Zach vS.

Sing Muse of Hawk’s rage:

Such was the wrath of one bird,

Breaker of Squirrels

-Katie R.