The sun has drained you, but in an hour Columbia Men Against Violence will restore you with pizza. And some dubious coffee-flavored energy beverage which the kids (men) call Slap. Bwog is befuddled by why men against violence are advocating slapping, but may hit the Lerner Piano Lounge at 8PM nonetheless.
@Rick ’em and rock ’em.
@!!!!!!! I didn’t get a chance to try Slap, but I’m just gonna stick with Powerthirst
@Baby Protector I hope they teach this to babies to. They should learn to slap people trying to eat them, like those damm people who planned that walk out today. Each one of them had a baby in hand taking a bite outta its head
@nah Most of you are more likely to be slapping your monkey anyway.
@Tons of stuff is going on on-campus. Tell us what it is! Group of people in VanAm Quad. Another group of people ran by Low Library with inflatable pool toys on. Tent out on the steps. Cover that stuff Bwog. Come on.
@Student And papillae and stuff too! For the receptors and neurons!!
[Go Frontiers!]
@SLAP Slap your taste buds not your partners!
@ummm o sweet (and energy enhanced) irony.