The School of General Studies has just announced its 2008 valedictorian: Joel Beal.
Beal, like CC’s valedictorian, is an economics-mathematics major. He is bound for Stanford in the fall, where he will be pursuing a Ph.D. in economics.
@Yeah! Congratulations!
@what do you call it if you get in a car accident that reshapes your private parts?
A gender-bender!
@See point proven. Q.E.D
@GS Smarts Joel is the only smart person in GS, except for Matthew the Rod Sanchez
@Don't knock Your mom.
@Robotics GS needs more people like this. Beal sounds like a good guy that kept to himself and worked hard to get to this place while also earning himself a spot at Stanford. He’s someone who didn’t whine about how miserable GS is to students. Rather, he came and did what he needed to and now he leaves with this great prize. Congrats.
@SilentGS We do have quite a few genuinely amazing people in GS, but they tend – surprise! – to concentrate on their studies and leave the whining to those mediocrities who lament their adult choice to incur honest debt. Those circus clowns refuse to acknowledge that they will need to service that debt with a paying job in the real world later.
This latter class – the Entitlement Generation – compound their foolishness by declaring majors in useless, parasite fields like Gender Studies suited only to social workers, thus guaranteeing their post-collegiate poverty and claimed inability to service that debt. We should not be throwing money after other people’s bad decisions. Most GS students I’ve spoken to privately express similar opinions on the matter.
@... The GS glibertarians never cease to amaze me.
@NonSequitur Sounds like you could benefit from one of the philosophy department’s logic courses. Look up “argumentum ad hominem” and “non sequitur” when you’re taking a break from protesting and bemoaning your lot in life.
@... Argumentum ad hominem indeed.
@EtTu... …can look up “intentional irony for effect.”
@... So wait, now you’ve lost me. Either:
a) You’re not one of the glibertarians and you’re joining in on the game of making fun of them.
b) You are one of the glibertarians and you tried to use some big new words. In the heat of getting excited about using them (perhaps for the first time?), you managed to somehow completely discredit yourself and now with your tail between your legs, you’re discrediting yourself even further with a weak attempt at saving face.
@??? For those of us who are lost, what is a “glibertarian” and who are they in particular? Confused…
@... You weren’t confused when you initially replied. Why the confusion now?
@yay! joel’s great, he really deserves it! i had a crush on him too.
@more important when and where will general selection lotto numbers be posted?
@i think they will be posted on wednesday
@crush #2 He’s rather charming. I have a slight crush on him too :)
@... Beal, unlike CC’s valedictorian, will be accruing several thousand dollars per year in interest upon his staggering debt throughout 5 years of grad school. He is bound for Stanford in the fall, where he will be pursuing a Ph.D. in economics. Congratulations!
@I doubt it Do you know him personally? I think his family haven’t done too badly for themselves (I think).
@probably not. This is Columbia… People love to turn anything into an opportunity to advance a political cause.
when i click the link your post, i get the following error:
display_current_article: id no good
@Yay! Good job, man!
@econ-math Econ-math majors are the best! Congrats, Joel! I am glad to be in a major with so many brilliant people. (Actually maybe I should wish there were fewer brilliant people in my major… because then there would be less competition, haha.)
@congrats Well deserved. Congrats, Joel!
@Hey bwog any review of the spring concert?
@Juli Yup, check back right after QuickSpec tomorrow morning.
@French Friend. He’s a really cool guy, and smart. I had him in my first French class. I always had a crush on him.
@Really? Standford? I’ve heard of Stanford, but…
@Congrats A really great guy.