UPDATE 8:54 PM: Shots of Jacks for Experience. (Now playing: “Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta” by the Geto Boys.)
UPDATE 8:50 PM: George just called his mom, screaming. (Now playing: “We Are the Champions.”)
Results are in from CCSC Elections Board: George Krebs is your new CCSC President. (Now playing in Krebs’s Watt dormroom, “We Will Rock You”.)
Mark Johnson defeated outsider Colin Drummond for Senior Class Council. Full results are in an email from Andrew Ness after the jump.
Dear Candidates,
Thank you for a great campaign season! You all worked extremely hard and exhibited great diligence in your campaigning. The Spring 2008 Campaign winners are below. Attached is a spreadsheet with the total results of voting. If you have any questions or concerns with the results please contact the Elections Board immediately at ccsc-elections@columbia.edu. Your last task is to fill out a candidate feedback form which the Elections Board will distribute via email in a few days. In the meantime I hope you enjoy your first night away from campaigning!
The Elections Board
Executive Board
Experience Columbia
George Krebs
Laura Doan
Adil Ahmed
Robyn Burgess
Ian Solsky
Class of 2009
Fusion Party
Mark Johnson
Mallory Carr
Zahrah Taufique
Heather Oh
Colin Felsman (Leadership Evolved: My Oh Nine!)
Class of 2010
Your Party
AJ Pascua
Sue Yang
Valerie Sapozhnikova
Matthew Harold
Joey Goldberg
Class of 2011
Learned Foote
Sara Partridge
Tom Amegadzie
Melissa Im
Sean Udell
Academic Affairs Rep.
Karen Woodin
Student Services Rep.
Aaron Edmonds
Priyanka Gumaste
Preprofessional Rep.
Melissa Santos
Two Year Senate
Monica Quaintance
One Year Senate
Tiffany Dockery
Rishika Samant
@Justin george krebs owns you haters. he is our president so deal with it… and he is way more down to earth than most of you “bwogging” assholes. student government is a fucking joke and everyone knows it.
@geez George Krebs is a douche bag. Pretty soon people will be kicking themselves for voting for him. He’s going to make CCSC more of a joke than it already is. On top of that, the entire administration HATES him. Next year should be fun!
@MADD That’s not the point. It’s the law. If the elections committee is going to enforce rules, why should students breaking the law – elected officials chosen by the student body to represent them – be allowed to get away with this? I think it’s a pretty big deal as it reflects back on the students. This has nothing at all to do with the prospect of drunk driving. This kid is outwardly breaking the law, drinking underage, moments after being declared the CCSC President.
Krebs also looks like a giant tool in that picture. Is he?
@tool? somebody who is hatin on underage drinking is calling somebody else a tool?
@hahah its people like you that make this school suck
@MADD Yeah, people like you are obviously way cooler because you’re up in your dorm drinking late into Thursday night. Rebel.
If the school sucks, why not transfer?
@asdf No one said they were “cooler” because they choose to drink, an activity that I would guess well over 50% of college age kids engage in.
You however have set yourself up as morally superior because you’re a puritanical jerk. Get off your high horse and let a kid who won with 60% of the vote celebrate.
@No, people aren’t cooler because they choose to drink. We’re cooler because we don’t preach to people about whether or not they should drink, and we certainly don’t try to get those who do into trouble. MADD, please fuck off and mind your own damn business.
@SADD I’d just like to point out that no one around here has a car, and you’d be hard pressed to drive drunk in the city even if you did, because you wouldn’t be using it for anything except to get to work. Or are M against drunkenness in general?
@wow just sparking cider
@MADD Look, that’s not the point. With these idiots throwing “rules violations” that nobody gave a hoot about during the campaigns, it’s sort of ridiculous to all the representative of the student body to go get shitfaced and then plastered (no pun intended) on campus media outlets. I don’t care if you want to throw back the “everyone drinks” or “he’s only a few days away from 21” defense. The point stands that it’s illegal and that the university will gladly turn the other way.
If you’re going to run a place, you shouldn’t enforce some rules and not others, especially when this one looks to be an outright illegal act. Since this kind of crap would bite you in the ass in real politics, why allow it in student government at a top university? It makes the school look horrible.
@please chill out
@alexw Obama did cocaine and he’s going to be the goddamn president of the United States of America.
@............ Haha. Not if John McCain can help it.
@alexw Yeah, unless McCain has to raise his hand above waist level to say his oath on the Bible.
@MADD He’s a minor and he’s downing champagne in his victory photo?
I don’t mean to play old lady here, but shouldn’t that earn him some sort of penalty with the university and perhaps strip him of the win?
That of course assumes that the school upholds laws and whatnot.
@Seriously? Alidad’s crew was holed up in the ‘stend, do you think they wouldn’t have had a drink if they’d won.
Additionally, didn’t Alidad state in his bwog personal that his favorite drink was “vodka with anything” or something to that effect? I don’t know how old the guy is but concievably thats also an admission of underage drinking.
Also, it is people like you who are causing us to lose the war on fun.
@MADDENED It is such stupidity to call him a “minor.” He is days short of his 21st birthday, besides which, the whole notion that someone only (and always) attains adulthood at that mark, is itself plainly ridiculous.
@DHI Look, I understand MADD is addressing real issues, but ya’ll spam too many blog threads. Before this one, I was reading a Washington Post blog posting on beers at the new Nationals stadium, and someone from MADD posted that they shouldn’t sell beer.
They shouldn’t sell it for six dollars is what they shouldn’t do.
@"Resume Fodder?" It’s amazing how quickly we forget. During the long sequence of events from Ahmeddinjad to the hunger strike, CCSC and the administration were entirely reactive. We didn’t find out about Ahmenijad until 3 days before. After each hate crime, I got a condemnatory statement in my email, and that was it.
This is unacceptable. We need someone who will be proactive on issues like this, instead of waiting for the next controversy. Experience will be.
@fuck you anyone else notice all the left over booze at lerner pub getting poured down the drain? how bout some real change, ccsc?
@even better why not just call the mcbain/watt ra on duty and break this shit up out of spite. or public safety.
@dog its a shame that so many haters come on to this site and just complaint. all the people in the races worked hard, regardless of who won or not. these are people who, on top of all the stress that attending columbia brings as being a students, want to work to better the student life of their peers. 3/4 not voting is not people not caring about some prick, its 3/4 of the population not recognizing the time and sacrifice that goes into serving as a student leader, whether its ccsc, esc, or some other group. if you’ve got complaints about student council, join it and change it.
don’t just sit online and post anonymous complaints.
alidad and krebs worked hard, and knowing both of them im sure that no matter what the outcome has been they both will do what they can to contribute their community.
@Baby Dog, please don’t eat me. Its not my fault I look so young and tasty. Plz plz ahahhhhhh stoppp *GULP*
@....... No. It’s 3/4 of the population not seeing a contrast in the candidates’ platforms… not finding a compelling reason to vote for either one or to oppose the election of the other.
@Bob AHhhhhh Alidad ate my baby also. What is up with all these baby eaters. If Krebs eats my other baby, I don’t know what I am going to do.
@Whitney Green Whitney Green eats babies. Yes its true, she ate my little brother.
@older Michelle had a very similar picture taken and plastered on the cover of Spec last year when she won. Not sure if that bodes well, but he’s not the first person to do it.
@who cares? seriously – all this amounts to is resume fodder. Student government has less power than Iraqi government.
Drinking champagne because you convinced 1100 people to give a shit about this exercise in ego-stroking is kind of lame.
Think of it this way:
with 4000+ students in the College – nearly 3/4 don’t give a shit about this tool. Even fewer care about the other one.
@jjk thats because you’re billy freeland….
@no... no, whoever posted above was not billy freeland, because i’m billy freeland. but thanks for this nice comments, it was a tough race – 8 votes!
@Freeland Supporter Rishika’s ass should not have won the election. Freeland had such a better vision for Columbia. Not Rishika. Plus Freeland, was the most down to earth guys I met so far in any campaign.
@the Spec says “ultimately Krebs pulled out a solid victory with 58.94 percent of 1,856 votes cast.”
@fo reals i want to seem some numbers. this isn’t Zimbabwe. let the votes be known!
@Colin Felsman grew up in Zimbabwe, he must be psyched to win a seat as an opposition party
@history I love rishika she came to mcbain twice to speak with me she really took the time!
@ahem... where’s the spreadsheet with the actual numbers?
@dood seriously, student council cant really fuck up anything too badly, so as long as my ccsc prez is pleasant and has a general idea of what’s going on, i am happy. and george’s pleasantness goes through the roof–there is no end to it, and so to me, that is the most important thing.
let’s be honest, when i voted for all of the other positions that i was not aware of the candidates for, i looked at the pictures and decided to vote for the most attractive. and i’d feel safe saying that this is how a majority of voters carried out their voting rights (unless they knew people involved). sucks for the guy who didn’t have a picture.
@ugh http://www.sorryeverybody.com/
@ddd whoa the one year senate race was the most competitive! Good job to those two girls!
@sup Im glad Rishika got it..Shes been in a few of my classes and she is the most down to earth person who was running and she put the most effort into the senate campaign.
@good for the school Are you serious. Cronyistic non-democracy??
Michelle Diamond did everything she could to subtly bend and break the rules in Alidad’s favor. Endorsing a candidate “off the record”? leaking an email regarding a minor slip up in George’s work to bring off campus flex to the student body? Those incidents were the very definition of cronyism.
Krebs won because he put the most effort into his campaign. You couldn’t walk five feet without seeing the guy. He wanted it more and he’s going to do more with it as a result.
@this also because krebs has multiple clones who roam the campus for him
@... fuck rishika!! she accosted me while i was running late to class today… not your damn business whether or not i’ve voted for your stupid ass
@surprise surprise Congrats to Krebs. Disappointed about Drummond.
@Krebs-hater Well at least we know that Columbia supports Neanderthal rule. Another year of cronyistic non-democracy. Yippee! Another year of poorly run politics. Maybe Adil will salvage some semblance of something from that ticket. Maybe the election board will now come around to realize that “tickets” for SC elections makes people lazy.
A shame about Drummond. At least he’s hysterical :)
Glad Krebs has started his political career with him illegally chugging a bottle of champagne. Maybe his RA will write him up. Oh wait, she’s on his ticket.
@knower don’t pretend you never drank before reaching 21. also, his RA is a guy and a senior – not on his ticket. know your facts if you’re going to hate. now you just look stupid!
@bitter much? i suppose your candidate has completely abstained from drinking….
@yeah i dont know why rishika got it
@WTF!!! “BEST OF ALL” sorry…
@damnit what the hell. this is why bush wins elections.
@class act? why is being “classy” a good thing? I voted for Krebs cuz his ticket seem less slick, money, high-class fund manager analyst type bullshit. I like the pic of Krebs. Just a normal-ass dude. If he won, I bet Alidad would be sipping on some fancy kind of drink that i’ve never even heard of. ps – the pic would be better if it was colt 45
@word totally fucking true
@sheesh Let the man celebrate. You know you’d be doing it too.
@I voted for Krebs’ party… mainly because I really supported someone else on his ticket. But now I’m kind of regretting it. After the flex stuff and this classy pic, It’s becoming clear that he might not be the best man for the job. Whatever though… CCSC doesn’t matter much except for his resume.
@Uhh After the guy throws back some champagne, you start question your vote? Exactly ow hard did you think about it?
@Aiya Oh shut it. They’re happy! Hurray! Why’s everyone so goddamn unhappy around here?
Oh right, it’s Columbia.
@Classact That picture is full of..erm…class?
@Amused I wonder how Colin Felsman is going to deal with being the only one of his party to make the CC 09 council. I’ve got five dollars on a resignation.
@yo. Please tell me that’s underage drinking…
Nothing would make me feel better than a pic of the new Pres takin’ one back…
P.S. If BWOG really cared about something important, the may have wanted at least one note, possibly a byline on Take back the Night.
The sidebar can only call so much attention…
@knower it is. he’s not 21 until monday.
@congrats Krebs Now let’s hope he does his job.
Also I’m disappointed that Colin Drummond’s party didn’t win.