Intrepid Bwog contributor, frequent Bwog commenter, and skyscraper enthusiast Alex Weinberg sends us a tip about some questionable iconogrpahy:

“KSA is advertising some sort of culture show on a thousand balloons and fliers and posters all over the campus. Non engineers/architects may not appreciate this, but they completely fucked up and branded their show with the skyline of CHICAGO.

How does he know? Well, that big building second from the left appears to be the Sears Tower, not the Empire State Building. “The Empire State Building has one antenna built on the original mooring mast,” says Alex. “The Sears Tower has double antennae (kind of more, now).”

UPDATE: Ask and ye shall receive: the two skylines placed side to side (or top to bottom) for comparison, after the jump.

New York’s skyline:










