On Monday night, the Student Governing Board voted to elect their new board, as well as to determine new group recognition and to derecognize inactive groups. Their new board is as follows:
Chair: Arjun Kapoor, CC’09, Amnesty International
Vice-Chair: Jacob Taber, GS-JTS’09, College Democrats & Hillel
Treasurer: Devora Aharon, CC’10, Hillel
Secretary: Jim Downie, CC’10, College Democrats (and Bwog staffer!)
Nishi Dedania, SEAS’09, Hindu Students Organization
Charles Dwyer, CC’09, CU International Relations Forum
Sana Khalid, CC’11, MSA, AHIMSA and USINPAC
Aaron Krieger, CC’10, Hillel Executive Board, Gayava, Columbia Queer Alliance
Ali Shafei, CC’10, MSA
Eugenio Suarez, CC’11, Cuban American National Foundation
Elissa Verrilli, BC’11, SEEJ
New groups and groups-no-longer are after the jump—and in keeping with the theme du jour of objectivism, the ill-fated Ayn Rand Discussion Group is one of the latter.
The new groups to the SGB roster include the Burma 88 Coalition (a humanitarian organization), CU Global Medical Brigades, and USINPAC (the US India Political Action Committee). Welcome!
Alastair Shearman, the outgoing SGB Representative-at-large explains to Bwog that groups are only derecognized if they had transferred to another governing board (for instance, ABC) or have been inactive for over two years. “The SGB constitution requires a majority vote of the general body to ratify the Executive Board’s decision to derecognize any group. (see Article VII, Section 3),” explained Shearman. With that in mind, the derecognized groups are as follows:
Value Creation
@Funny SGB gets so much campus attention when Club Sports, with a drastically higher budget, goes along unnoticed…
@ZvS Aw, did mobius strip die? I thought that was a nice idea.
@YayArjun Yay Arjun! Congratulations.
@sweet so much former carman 5 on this board, good stuff
@gotta love E.Verrilli. and SEEJ
@attendee there was immense tension between the Jewish and Muslim communities at the SGB town hall on monday. this campus is often too political and too antagonistic for me. this may sound cheesy, but, can’t we all get along?
@Really? I didn’t notice any.
@well Jacob Taber ran against Faisal Khan, the (now-former) SGB secretary, and won narrowly. Jacob is best known in certain circles on campus for his role in setting up a giant inflatable missile on Low Plaza to demonstrate the scariness of the Iranian bomb and/or the need to bomb Iran. This is the kind of thing that is likely to cause “tension”.
@Ehhh You seem to be creating tension where tension doesn’t exist. The MSA and Hillel collaborated a lot last year. I think Hillel condemned/considered condemning Horowitz after a plea from the MSA, and they held a dance together for their orthodox women, etc.
@Jacob Taber I’m taken aback by this one. Faisal is a great guy and I have nothing but respect for him. I ran not because I’m a Jew and certainly not because I support ‘bombing Iran (which I don’t–for anyone who came to the panel for which the missile served as an advertisement, I found myself to be most closely aligned with the position of Professor Bulliet), but because I thought I brought experience and ideas to the table that the SGB community would support. Why that leads you to believe I have a problem with the MSA, I really don’t understand.
@Jacob Taber I am indeed. I submitted a speech, it was read, and I won. That you know I’m abroad is perhaps a tad creepy—in the future, anonymous person who knows my whereabouts, just shoot me an email about questions like that one and I’ll be happy to answer.
@hahha cisa… what a douchey group… with douchy ppl.
@huh cisa was moved to abc
@huh? Isn’t Jacob Taber studying abroad this semester? Can you get elected in absentia?
@whoops nevermind read the entire post
@why did they derecognize those groups?