Not 24 hours after WBAR’s annual WBAR-B-Q lineup was announced (replete with promises of a “special guest” and instructions to check WBAR’s website at a later date), insiders have revealed to Bwog the identity of the “special guest.” Despite questionable rumors of Led Zeppelin and Daft Punk, which appeared exclusively in Bwog comments, the mystery performer will actually be (The) Juan MacLean doing a d.j. set.
UPDATE: A second hipster-tipster explains that (The) Juan MacLean will not appear at the WBAR-B-Q. “We thought we were going to have him but it didn’t work out, hence why it says secret guest instead of Juan MacLean.” Though apparently word of MacLean’s unavailability has yet to permeate the ranks of all of WBAR’s staffers.
@Jamie I’m on staff, I can tell you that everyone knows he isn’t playing so please take this down.
@Margaret Yeah–Juan turned us down for a gig in chicago. Special guest remains UNDICOVERED
@NOT TRUE I am on staff on WBAR – Juan is NOT the special guest. Bwog should take this down because it ain’t true. We wish it was but he has gig in Chicago that night!
@nice juan maclean is awesome. this should be really cool.
@Rudolf Rocker ill. Juan spins that hot gay.