Tonight at 10 PM in the Lerner Piano lounge is the last ever CCSC-sponsored I am Light Blue event. Like most I am Light Blue events, meta t-shirts and blue-hued frosted goods (by way of Kitchenette) will be plentiful.
In an email to Bwog, a good-natured, V-Show appreciating President Diamond explained, “Also we will have like SNACKS and like T-shirts in sizes that fit no one! Hee hee hee [insert head bobbing back and forth here].”
The study break will also feature a video that highlights the work of students who were awarded “light blue nominations” on the basis of positively impacting campus and city life. The video stars Josh Lipsky, Hannah Weinstein, Reni Jablonsky (AKA Reni Laine), Gabby Apollon, Jessie Leiken, Alex Greer, Jason Kim, Allie Feldberg, Nahema Mehta, Calvin Sun, Neil Mehta and others.
@yay jessie leiken is awesome!
@I ain't no blue-blood!
@No... It was that she increased the campus’s prestige OFF campus. You know, like what you could be doing instead of posting shit on the Bwog.
She’s an incredibly nice person who works extremely hard for both her classes and her music so go fuck yourselves, you God damn tricks. Fuck yourselves very hard.
@jablowsky? and by blow i mean cocaine, not blowjobs. although, bitch sucks like a hoover.
seriously. JABLONSKY. hhhahahahahahahhaha.
@Jesus Was Reni’s contribution to the campus changing that god damn foul last name?
@reni's music blowz dickz
@reniiiiiii did in fact ja-blow my dick.
@hahahahaha hahahahahahaha
more like “ja-blow-my-dick”
@that was a fucking madhouse. I demand a tee shirt
@Favorite I wonder why the favorite comments section hasnt changed in a while.
Pick something people!
@michelle... …is classy
@gabby apollon is love in human form. for real.
@Calvin Sun? *snort* bahahaha
@true tiny and stale, but luckily there was no line for t-shirts mostly a huge disorgnized mob, i got a shirt so no complaints
@sad there were only 2 boxes of t-shirts and they ran out fast :(
@sushi I got free sushi from George Krebs, not gonna complain.
@yo! 2 They’re tiny
@yo! they taste like crap
@hee hee to reni laine:
don’t be ashamed of your real last name
@So meta Mehta X 2