It’s on to MIT for outgoing Dean of Student Affairs Chris Colombo, where he will serve as the Dean for Student Life.

How excited is Colombo about the new position? He’ll tell you how excited: “It is with very mixed emotions that I share with you that I have accepted the position of Dean for Student Life at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ”

While sad Colombo is in Massachusetts, Associate Dean of Student Affairs Kevin Shollenberger will take over as Interim Dean of Student Affairs.

Full email after the jump

Dear Colleagues,

It is with very mixed emotions that I share with you that I have accepted the position of Dean for Student Life at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Over the course of my 16 years here at Columbia, we have collectively built a Division of Student Affairs that has positively impacted the support and development of our students.  The success of our students is ample testimony to the commitment of each and every one of the staff members I have had the pleasure of working with over the years.

Choosing to leave Columbia has not been an easy decision to reach.  However, I leave confident that the work that we do is greater than any one of us.  Together, we have worked to increase the diversity and the quality of our student body, make financial aid more available to our students, and build a system of comprehensive advisement that supports the development of community among our students.  This has been accomplished through countless staff who have demonstrated innovation, professionalism and dedication to our students. I am confident that the good work done by our division will continue to benefit our students individually and the two schools we serve.

Kevin Shollenberger has agreed to assume the role of Interim Dean of Student Affairs for CC and SEAS. Kevin exemplifies the dedication to our student body that I feel is so characteristic of this Division.  As the Senior Associate Dean, Kevin has been called upon to assume increasing levels of responsibility and leadership for Student Affairs and has successfully led the Community Development team for the past several years.  I am certain that his leadership of this division will only further our good work.  

Over the course of the coming weeks, I will have more of an opportunity to thank each one of you for the contribution you make to our success. In the meantime, you have my thanks for your support and the support I know you will give to Kevin.


Chris Colombo