Catch the final installment of the exciting presidential debate series tonight at 9 PM. Your favorite campus political enthusiasts—the CUGOP, the Dems, and CPU—will be watching this thing in Lerner Cinema.
If you’re stuck studying, try procrastinating with some liveblogs. Bwog recommends New York Times‘ the Caucus, Wonkette and Jonathan Martin/Ben Smith of Politico.
@Guess what! John McCain’s pubes are white.
@President Obama Get used to it.
@President Incompetent Dick.
Get used to it.
Either way.
@Silly Rabbit Where the hell have you been for the past 8 years?
@dude we’re all very used to it. and i’m trying to think of what kind of person bothers to go to a thread that’s clearly about the 2 competative candidates and write that they’re incompetent… maybe a ron paul supporter or something
@haha Ron Paul. Can you imagine if he had been in charge during this crisis? We would have had no banks left.
@bob the builder what about me?
@Mario Why is Joe getting all this publicity? Has everyone forgotten about me?
@tonight's debate has really been a bresh of freath air
@i'm sure there are just as many people who are voting for mccain because he is white.
@or because palin’s a woman.
This was on the Howard Stern show.
A reporter went into Harlem, asking people on the street who they will be voting for. The reporter was curious to find out if people are voting Obama because of his policies or because he is black. To test this, they discussed McCain’s policies as if they were Obama’s. The result? Nobody seemed to know what Obama’s policies are. Apparently, Harlemites are ok with the fact that Obama is “pro-life” and for “staying in Iraq”. Good to know!!
@MY FRIENDS! FYI, in the same interview, Republicans he ran into were also asked similar questions, including questions like do you approve of Joe Biden as his VP selection, to which they replied yes.
Nice try, scumbag. If not bipartisan, the dumb vote is squarely with the right in this election.
@Bwog You must love leaving out groups who co-sponsor. Try “LionPAC” and “Queer Awareness Month”