It may not be as fancy as Experience Columbia’s campaign site, but a CCSC 2009 class council member has tipped us off to the Council’s new-ish beta site (they haven’t advertised it widely, at least), which replaces the never-used, never-updated baby blue version of yore. This one, in patriotic red and cobalt, currently houses a few shreds of useful information–including an archive of resolutions presented in the last several years–and promises more. The 2009 section is a good place to go for your senior agenda, because a) who reads Mark Johnson’s e-mails, and b) graduation is too freaking close for comfort. Happy surfing!
@ugh robyn irritates the shit outta me
@and this is what happens when you let the SEAS 2009 council try to do something right…
What ever happened to warren? I get the feeling he did a lot more
@interesting to note that as far as functionality and information goes the CC09 website rocks the shit out of the SEAS one.