butlerWe are on the eve of midterms and many students are preparing sleeping bags, dry foods and canteens of Redbull for their first Butler camp out of the year.  But alas, in his email to the Senior class, Mark Johnson has informed us that The Powers That Be have decreed that every room in our beloved library shall be evacuated daily for cleaning and removal of camping gear.  The full notice is after the jump.

Attention Butler-goers! Rooms will be closed daily for one hour and unattended personal items will be MOVED! 

In an effort to cut down camping in Butler, library administrators have created new policies that have gone into effect this semester.  Each room will close for one hour, and any unattended items left in the room will be removed to allow for proper cleaning. Additionally, swipe access will restrict non-Columbia University students from entering in the evenings, and a staff member will patrol the building from 12-8am every Sunday to Thursday to report camping activity.

To find out more information, pick up a pamphlet at the main entrance of Butler or view a more detailed description of the guidelines at: [this address]

and the room cleaning schedule hours at: [this address].

Finally, If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to send an email to butler@libraries.cul.columbia.edu